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Monday, April 22, 2013

When he saw her

his eyes full of tear,
full of pain,not a bit death's fear,
disappointed by all aspects of his life,
loosing all hopes for happiness to thrive,
leaving back nothing to bother,
before death he turned back to see the world last time,
and it was the moment when he saw her.

his eyes stuck on her smile,
so beautiful, so soft as if,
do not touch her she is so fragile,
her teeth as if some pure shiny pearl,
he was lost in thoughts,
O! i haven't seen such a beautiful girl,
then her gaze turned to him,
and his spines got high shiver,
if it is for she, i can easily die,
he thought in the moment when he saw her.

his eyes couldn't see anything but her lovely face,
his mind couldn't think anything, but just her praise,
he never felt in him such a craze,
he could remain like this if for her for days and days,
but for her he was just some another man on roadside,
he was for her just someone,
out of sight,out of mind,
but now for him nothing of these things just matter,
he would get this girl,
he decided the moment he saw her.

and just then she passed by him,
looking her so close he forgot all his grim,
all he could sense was her smell,
all he could know he was bound by her spell,
he couldn't move, he couldn't speak,
he was in love with her to a peak,
the way he looked at her,
she looked back and gave him a smile,
this was more than enough for him,
to continue his gloomy life,
no my life won't be gloomy anymore,
God can't have any more happiness to shower,
he would make his life better,
the decided the moment he saw her.

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