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Monday, April 22, 2013

Being on your own

when i was a kid , obviously i did almost everything which my papa hated . then of course i was scolded . the most frequent sentence of all the fathers while scolding their sons is ' DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. NOT NOW TILL YOU ARE MY RESPONSIBILITY'.

thinking back of all those incidents, and all those thoughts of mine ..' HE CAN NEVER STOP SCOLDING ME'.
i used to think can i ever be on my own. will my father or mom or sisters , ever let me do whatever i want . will i ever have a day when i won't be give unnecessary  any advice and i could take my own decision on my own.

well today i surely miss those days when none of my decisions was deciding my life. should i study or play cricket with friends never was such a great decision that it may take away my job or me loosing a opportunity of getting job. step out to do something and you would have hundreds of advices . but what a days they were that we could easily ignore all those advice and do whatever we want to . and the 'payback punishment' was just 10 minutes of my papa's rage.
looking at the same scenario today, stepping out to do something, again we have hundreds of advice but now we cant ignore any. we just cant close our eyes , turn our deaf ears to every advice and ignore them. then too after collecting all the advices, we get messed up in between of them and then wish if we were not on our own.
why we have to do this?? why are we on our own. why isn't someone else who could take correct decision for us but Sorry! now you are on your own. you have to take decision.

ever felt the dilemma , when you are financially tortured and suddenly you feel urge to eat your favorite dish. one side of your brain says. go dude eat it. we will see whatever happens tomorrow while other says, nope save money , you don't have enough. finally you binds your fist as tightly as possible , say 'shit' and move away. turning back to early days of your life . going out with your father to the market and saw anything worth to eat and just took it and thats it. no dilemma, no vexing , nothing. but now we have to be vexed . because alas we are now on our own.

looking at the brighter side . now we can be a person on whom other can sustain . we can make other feel , don't worry we are here. we are on our own and you can count on us.
Being on your own is like eating sugar coated tamarind. A few moment of sooting sweetness and then some moments of catchy sour. But you can't do nothing but to enjoy it. 

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