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Friday, July 13, 2012

Fishing on the side of pond

Fishing on the side of pond,
i find nothing but the peace,
all time , all moment,
appeared to cease,
with everything , i found,
there is a holy bond,
i found what I haven't got from years,
while I was fishing on the side of pond.

Nothing for hours,
just the flow of breeze,
just me and the fishing rod,
I wished someone stop the time please,
just that setting sun, and the orange pond,
I cherished the beauty of nature,
when I was waiting the string to respond,
I found my lost peace,
While i was fishing on the side of pond.

Suddenly I was shook,
by a sudden shake in rod,
I was now ready,
to snatch the load,
out of the water,
silver body, big and bold ,
wow it was a nice catch,
And good fish to catch as I was told.

then I gave a look to her's desperate shake,
to get back the breathing which were about to break,
O!  I couldn't get out of this maze,
that I was a murderer,
and her killer was in her last gaze.

then she slowed down to her last breath,
her eyes still as a large ocean depth,
and all in sudden everything was back in rest,
but there was no peace now at its best,
just a dept,
of one life, taken and snatched out of its body's nest.

i pulled the fish , took her her in hand,
my first fish catch, it should be grand,
but how could I ignore, the tears of nature,
how could i ignore the ponds melancholy,
it just lost a dear one which  I did harshly,
but now nothing could be done,
the fish was dead already .

but now all the peace,
all the love of nature was gone,
it was already dark,
and no one was there to respond,
just a tree and the stars,
and a large mourning pond,
and I decide now,
I will never be fishing on the side of any pond.